Which medical catheter types to use?
Intermittent catheterization (IC) is the preferable method to empty the bladder when you can’t urinate naturally. It is safe in the short-, mid and long-term, minimizing common risks such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), strictures, bladder stone complications, and upper urinary tract deterioration.
Intermittent catheterization is closest to natural urination and gives the user control and freedom. For short-term users, intermittent catheterization gives a faster recovery and return to normal voiding (emptying of the bladder) after surgery.
Of the different types of intermittent catheters, evidence shows that hydrophilic single-use catheters are best at reducing the risk of complications.
A quick guide to medical catheter types
Unless you need to start using a catheter, it is unlikely that you would know much about it. And we know that at first, it seems scary, difficult, and intimidating, but as soon as you learn the technique, it will become a habit like any other daily routine.