Trainees umbilical catheter insertion must have undergone competency-based assessment for insertion of umbilical lines and for taking blood samples from arterial catheters or they must be supervised by a middle grade or senior colleague who is skilled in these procedures.
Umbilical catheter insertion may be placed in the inferior vena cava above the level of the ductus venosus and below the level of the right atrium (10-12 cm). This acts as central venous access, allowing central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring, medication infusions, and the administration of hyperalimentation solutions.
An umbilical venous catheter (umbilical catheter insertion) allows fluids and medicines to be given without frequently replacing an intravenous (IV) line.
An umbilical venous catheter may be used if: The baby is very premature. The baby has bowel problems that prevent feeding.